Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sasquatch Hunters (2005)

Before I get down to business, I feel it’s necessary to mention this was the third Sasquatch movie my friends and I have watched in a horror format. The first two were a dismal triumph of acting and in-depth plotline. However, Sasquatch Hunters looked promising. The plot entails a group of rangers and scientists searching for fossils of an unknown mammal in a wilderness setting (Where else would a Sasquatch dwell?). The camera work was shoddy and unrefined; however, the camera made up for it’s lack of clarity by focusing on a well-endowed pair of breasts for a good portion of the movie. Nevertheless, not even the breast romp could save this film from spiraling out of the sky and exploding in horrendous disappointment. Out of a group of eight people four survived, which is an utter mortification of genuine group horror films. Not only that, but two of the survivors held no merit in the film itself; they were ripe for the kill. This high survival rate seems to be an unmitigated pattern in horror movies involving Sasquatch, leaving the viewer sordidly let down.

Kill meter: four (not including the ones killed outside the group)

Grade: D+

Quote: “What’s an elephant man?”

Lesson learned: If you want to enjoy a good group horror film. I suggest staying away from anything involving a Sasquatch.


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